Mi Abuela La Jefa
America Sanchez
University of the Incarnate Word
Artist Bio
America Sanchez is a resident of San Antonio, Texas. She is currently a junior at the University of Incarnate Word, where she is pursuing a double major in Art and English. America gains inspiration for her artwork through her family, friends, and Hispanic culture. She is motivated by her supportive peers and professors to one day have an art career.
Interview with the Artist
1. What was your inspiration for this piece?
My grandparents are my biggest inspiration. After my grandmother passed away last June, it was evident I wanted to do a memorial piece. As I was completing “Mi Abuela la Jefa”, I decided to compliment the artwork with a painting of my grandpa, who I currently live with. I am grateful for everything they have done for me, including the endless dedication and hard work they put into our family bakery.
2. What is your creative process? (How do you go about creating?)
Both paintings are recreated from memorable photographs. I try to choose photos that are ordinary because it makes the paintings feel more authentic. When shifting through photos, I make sure the background has an impact as much the foreground so that, it can convey the narrative I am trying to project. In this case, I wanted the bakery to be the attraction. I am most pleased with the fact I started “Mi Abuelo el Panadero” a month after “Mi Abuela la Jefa”, because it helped me to develop both paintings simultaneously. Overall, I finished both paintings in two months. The biggest thing I learned, is for me to take a break when I need to. I try to stop before I get frustrated or stressed, because I do not want to ruin the painting all because of my emotions. I take a step back, take a breather, and come back when I am ready to work on them again.
3. What are some influences on your artistic process?
My influence for composing these pieces was my art professor, Mr. Cortinas. Through these two paintings, he guided me to finding my own style of painting and motivated me to be confident in it.