Poor Shoppers Etiquette
by Payton Emond
Payton Emond is an emerging young poet whose first publication was recently awarded second place in Windows Fine Arts Magazine. She also worked as a poetry editor for her university's literary journal, Jet Fuel Review, which received a Pinnacle award from the College Media Association for “Literary Magazine of the Year.”
From a Box of Granola Bars
Do you wonder / how many hands have caressed my bare body / before you pick me up? / Or how
good I’ll be / once you bring me home/ for your indulgence / If I asked you to undress me slowly /
would you listen? Or would that be too much / of an imposition / Perhaps I should stop overthinking
but / this isn’t the first time a man put hands on my body / begging / until something sounded sweeter
a few aisles down / I don’t mean to compare, you seem sincere / but so did the others / I know my
brand is a bit expensive but / my box is dented so maybe you can ask for a discount / I wouldn’t mind
/ You can hide me under the brim of your jacket if you want / slip quick into the men’s room at the
back of the store / so you can get a taste before we make this choice / public -- that way, in the case
that I don’t / meet your expectations / you can leave me at the store. All I ask for is this / please don’t
place me behind the cookbooks / to “possibly” return to / we both know you aren’t coming back.
Editor’s Note
“You can’t help but hear a human being’s voice as you read this piece. It’s brutally honest and thought-provoking, giving readers a sense of layered reflection on love, relationships, and the pain that can come with all of it. The genuine voice in this piece is refreshing and much needed.”
“As I was reading this poem, it struck such a strong emotional connection for me. The imagery and personification of the granola box bar made this piece so easy to follow. The theme of feeling used really connects to many people who have felt this way in friendships or relationships. It personally made me feel heard and understood as I read of someone who has gone through a similar situation.”